Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What is this I hear?

Say what? National Delurking Day? Sweet! I will let you in on a little secret, last year on Delurking Day, I commented on like two of the ten blogs I was reading at the time because I am a very shy person. Those of you who are snickering, that is the truth. I am an actress (in my mind) and there are 'stages' in my life, this blog is one of them. There are a few places where I feel comfortable, unembarrassed, and totally at home. This blog is one of those places. When on stage, I can be the person that I am normally too introverted to be. I can let the same personality that my family associates with me loose, and take command of my stage. I love it.

Do me a favor though, if you are out there reading and I don't know it. Tell me. Leave me a comment today, or email me (the link is on my profile) and say hello. I would appreciate it. I'm one of those people that has to work up the nerve to say hello to a stranger, and when they don't respond to my, "good morning," or whatever, it makes me feel terrible, please, make my day today!


  1. wahooo.. who knew delurking day existed? anyone? or only lurkers... man, being a lurker is coooool........:) 'lurker'...

  2. I love the National Delurking Day idea! How much fun is that? Hi!

  3. This shy thing. As a bloggy friend, it is indeed hard to believe.

  4. I love to read your blog...I've been doing some major simplifying of my life this past week and don't have time for hardly any sitting down, but on "delurking day" I will not lurk in the shadows! I'm STILL working on my grateful post too...

  5. I do follow, but I have never commented...I love your blog...I'm hoping I get more comments, I have very few followers, trying to drum up more as my blog is my therapy and right now I could use all the therapy I can get!

  6. I agree with Erin about blogging being therapy. I am going to follow your blog. You are super cute and clever!
    Visit me! www.30and300.blogspot.com

  7. Love this blog, my dear. And I'm shy too. Here's to tons of commments!

  8. It's a day late, but I'm reading!

    Kate x

  9. I've been reading your blog for a couple of months, but have only delurked today... just to make your day. :)

  10. I read, but of course you know that already!

    HeatherLynn's here.

    holla! ;)

