Friday, April 9, 2010

4:30 a.m.

What do most people do at 4:30 in the morning?

Today is the first day this week that my Baby Girl has been asleep at this witching hour, or bitching hour, as the case might be. a special treat...vomit all over my bed courtesy of my three year old.

I sit here now, puked on, holding The Little Lady who has been fussing on and off and for the last couple of hours, after stripping my bed and turning my mattress in the dark.

My tummy is churning. Bad food? Or perhaps that icky barfed on feeling that only a shower and time can erase. Only time will tell.


  1. Oh, Viv. And here I thought infomercials sucked.

  2. The stomach flu is making its rounds around these parts. Maybe the same thing is true in your area.

  3. Oh I feel for you. Heck, that was me a few days ago! Hang in there. And if you really need a boost, spray your new cleaner around and bask in the glow! My question about the cleaner: does it come in a really huge family size? I go through so damn much 409 or Simple Green that I should buy stock.

  4. I'm up at 4am these days too...I feel your pain, smell that smell, etc. Put on some extra eyeliner, have a cup of coffee and know that this too, will pass.

  5. Ug. Truly one of the worst ways to spend an evening. Hope it's a quick flu and you don't get it!

  6. Could've sworn I commented here . . . usually at 4:30 or so I'm giving the Pumpkin man a drink and then trying to doze in my chair while he sleeps fitfully on my chest.
